Our Work
The work of the Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform is critical in the province’s pursuit of economic growth and development. In line with our mandate, the work of the department covers agriculture development with programs supporting black communal, smallholder and commercial farmers to benefit from the agriculture value chain. The department works with both black and white farmers by supporting them in their agriculture businesses. The priority of the department is the implementation of the Agriculture Economic Transformation Strategy, which is being implemented through partnerships with farmers and commodity groups to create jobs and rejuvenate agriculture and rural economy. Another important element of the programs of the department is the coordination of rural development being discharged in close collaboration with other national, provincial and local government institutions. Our department works with these institutions to bring meaningful development to rural communities, helping them get training, create their own wealth through home industries programs, food security support amongst many programs.

Administration supports core programmes of the department focuses with human resources management, finance, procurement, anti fraud and anti corruption, communications, customer care, human resources development.
Programme Contact:
DDG Administration:
040 602 5035

Veterinary Services
Veterinary services provide veterinary services/animal health services to clients to ensure healthy animals, safe animal products and welfare of people of South Africa. The program supports export control, veterinary public and laboratory services to farmers and Eastern Cape households to keep their livestock and pets healthy.
Programme Contact:
Chief Director Veterinary Services
040 602 5039

Structured Agricultural Education and Training facilitates
Structured Agricultural Education and Training facilitates provides structured education and training inline with the Agriculture Education and Training Strategy to all participants in the agricultural sector in order to establish a knowledgeable, prosperous and competitive sector. The programme is responsible for our two colleges; Fort Cox and Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute.
Programme Contact:
Chief Director Structured Agricultural Education & Training
040 609 5026.

Sustainable Resource Management
Sustainable Resource Management provides engineering services, land care, land use management, disaster risk management to the people of the Eastern Cape.
Programme Contact:
Chief Director Sustainable Administration:
040 602 5155

Research and Tech
Research and Technology Development Services provides expert and needs based research, development and transfer of technology impacting on development objectives benefiting farmers and communities of the Eastern Cape. Program contact: Chief Director Research and Technology Development Services:
Programme Contact:
Chief Director Research and Technology Development Services
043 683 1240.

Rural Development Coordination
Rural Development Coordination is about developing, planning and monitoring of rural development coordination of the various departments and organizes social facilitation in relation to community priorities and organizational structures.
Programme Contact:
Chief Director Rural Development Coordination
040 602 5020

Farmer Support and Development
Farmer Support and Development provides extension and advisory services to the farmers, households ena.ged in agriculture, food security and farmer support development programmes through agriculture development programmes.
Programme Contact:
Chief Director Farmer Support & Development:
040 602 5039

Agriculture Economic Services
Agriculture Economic Services provides timely and relevant agricultural economic services to the sector in support of sustainable agricultural and Agri-business development to increase economic growth. GET HELP WITH AGRI TRAINING .
Programme Contact:
Chief Director Entrepreneurial Development
040 602 5129.
District Map
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