by Olwetu Batyi | Sep 20, 2024 | Uncategorized

Amagosa ezolimo kwisithili i-Amathole athe awongwa, ekwanconywa ngenzame zawo ekuziseni iinkonzo namacebo kumafama. Lamagosa athe awongwa kumabakala ohlukeneyo ngokwezakhono zabo ezigqwesileyo yaye lo msitho ubuzinyaswe ngokhokela amagosa ephondweni uNoluvuyo Nqeno.

by Olwetu Batyi | Sep 19, 2024 | Uncategorized

Isithili saseChris Hani besibhiyozela ukuba sesona sithili siggqwesileyo kumnyadala wakuwonga amanina i-Women Entrepreneur Awards e-Gqeberha kutsha nje. Le mibhiyozo ibizinyaswe nguMphathiswa wesebe uDRDAR uNonceba Kontsiwe nothe wakhuthaza intsebenziswano phakathi kamagosa ezolimo namafama ukulwa indlala ephondweni.
by Olwetu Batyi | Sep 18, 2024 | Uncategorized

Amagosa ezolimo esithili iJoe Gqabi eqhayisa ngezi ngunyaziso (certificates) athe azifumana ngegalelo labo ekuncediseni uluntu kwezolimo nophuhliso lwamaphandle. La magosa awonge kumsitho obubanjelwe eAliwal North awaziwa ngokuba yi-Extension Awards nalapho amagosa awongwa kula mabakala; Best Extension Practitioner: Professional, Best Extension Practitioner: Certified Natural Scientist, Best Extension Practitioner: Candidate, Best Extension Practitioner: Supervisor neBest Technical Support.

by Olwetu Batyi | Aug 29, 2024 | Uncategorized

Dr Nandipha Toyota Ndudane is a veterinarian and was the director and principal of Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute in the Eastern Cape, which offers a paraveterinary qualification in animal health. She taught modules in occupational communication, veterinary epidemiology and research methods.
Nandipha is the president of the South African Veterinary Council, an Africa representative of the World Veterinary Association and the chairperson of the World Organisation for Animal Health Ad Hoc Working Group, which seeks to harmonise community animal health workers’ training programmes and develop global guidelines for competency and curricula. She was recognized in the Mail and Guardian’s 2024 Power of Women in the agriculture and environment category.
by Olwetu Batyi | Jul 29, 2024 | Uncategorized

THE Eastern Cape provincial government will use and support agricultural activities as one of the remedies to respond to the Human Rights Commission report that said the province should urgently address poverty in the province, DRDAR MEC Nonceba Kontsiwe says. Kontsiwe handed over a tractor and it’s implements to the director of Goboti Residents Association Rev Gcobani Vika who vowed that the tractor will assist the whole community.
by Olwetu Batyi | Jul 19, 2024 | Uncategorized

Farmers in Zilandana village in Qumbu whose sheep and goats died when they were affected by veld fires last week expressed joy that Eastern Cape for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform Nonceba Kontsiwe brought them feed to assist their animals
Kontsiwe visited Zilandana village, where Masibhozo Yilo who lost 111 sheep due to the fire said he was inspired by the MEC assistance and words of encouragement and consolation include being provided with feed.
Yilo said he had only fourteen sheep left and he was distraught that on the day of the incident he “wanted to die.”
“Losing all my sheep 126 and be left with only fifteen left my heart so sore. I don’t know how I slept on that day and I was not prepared to speak about that incident. The MEC has given us hope with her words and there is relief because we have feed. We now have hope because at least the remaining ones will have something to eat,” Yilo said.
His cousin, Madidizela Yilo, said he lost 15 sheep during the incident but the relief given to them will assist them.
“Let me thank the MEC and government officials for their swift intervention after our sheep died.
“With these sheep we were able to send our children to school and feed our families as I am not employed. This is a great loss to me,” he said.
Yilo said he was part the local woolgrowers who sell their wool to BKB in Gqeberha and sold some sheep locally to make money.
MEC Kontsiwe said after DRDAR officials visited the affected areas, the “immediate intervention” was identified as feed because the veld was destroyed with just little patches of grass left.
“We are here to console you, don’t despair. Please find a place in heart to be consoled and we feel your pain. This your wealth hence we provided the feed so that the remaining ones double. We are sorry about your loss, but please to throw towels” Kontsiwe said.
She added that while she “cannot make a commitment” about the further support that would be given to the farmers but government would see what else can be done to assist.
Calling the incident “unfortunate and man-made”, the MEC urged the communities to discuss issues that caused veldfire like negligence of discharge burning cigarettes or starting the fires they could not control.
Kontsiwe said the traditional and local leadership should use every occasion, be it in during the chuch services or traditional occasions to raise awareness about the dangers of veldfires.