Records Management

Records Management

Department Enhances Records Management with Information Sharing Session

The Head Office Records Management Unit recently hosted a comprehensive information sharing session for employees, including district representatives. The objective was to educate staff on procedures for archiving and disposing of documents.

Key Presentation topics included:

1. Human Resource Registry roles within the department

2. Messenger duties and responsibilities

3. Records management legislation

4. Essential procedures for document disposal and archiving

The session clarified document management processes, emphasized adherence to regulatory requirements and encouraged employee participation in maintaining accurate records

The session occurred in the backdrop of a special commendation for its compliance efforts, ranking among the top in the province. However, there is room for improvement to achieve 100% compliance and optimal status.

To ensure uniform records management practices, similar sessions are scheduled for district employees. This proactive approach will standardize procedures across locations, enhance employee knowledge and involvement

and foster a culture of effective records management

Cropping 2024

Cropping 2024

In a significant move to combat poverty and malnutrition, promote sustainable agricultural
development and food security, the Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and
Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) launched an R80 million cropping programme today (SUBS:
Wednesday 16 Oct).
Located in Mbhashe Local Municipality, an area that once had high poverty levels in the
province, Ngxakaxha village served as a meaningful backdrop for the launch, coinciding with
World Food Day.
This year’s theme, “Right to Food for a Better Life and a Better Future,” underscores the
fundamental human right to access adequate food.
Mawande Jama, a beneficiary of the programme who is part of a project that is producing
sorghum attested to its transformative impact.
“This project has assisted us greatly. We planted sorghum, and the support created job
opportunities from soil preparation to harvesting and even employed rangers,” Jama said.
Social Development Minister Sisisi Tolashe lauded the programme as a crucial step in
implementing government strategies to fight food insecurity and malnutrition. “Empowering
people with skills to produce their own food reduces dependence on social grants,” Tolashe
She added: “… We should replicate the lessons learnt from this programme and implement it
nationally. It is through programmes like these that government can be able to fight
malnutrition and food insecurity as reported by Stats SA. We want people to be empowered
with skills to produce their own food instead of being dependent on social grants hence we
applaud the department for these initiatives. As government we need to ensure we turn things
around and ensure food is produced hence we are here today”.
Nozibele Nyalambisa, Member of the Portfolio Committee on DRDAR, hailed the initiative,
saying: “This program will make great strides in fighting rampant poverty in our province. By
empowering people to produce their own food, we’re fostering self-sufficiency and reducing
reliance on social grants. The collaboration between farmers and extension officers will yield
tangible results, and we’re grateful for this intervention.
Through the programme, 22,564 hectares will be planted, benefiting 10,953 communal and
emerging farmers.
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A sum of R21.6 million has been allocated for the Import Substitute project, targeting local
smallholder poultry producers
Between the years 2009 and 2023, the department planted 309,930 hectares, benefiting 51,847
smallholder producers and yielding over 538,000 tons of maize.
DRDAR Chief Director for Agricultural Producer Support and Development Nandi Ndudane
emphasized the programme’s potential for sustainable impact. “We are here to say we are
ready to plant summer crops and we urge people to start planting so that we can fight poverty
in the Eastern Cape. We have invested a lot in youth and female farmers. We are working with
private partners and other departments and entities hence we hope this will bring about
change,” Ndudane said.

OR Tambo District

OR Tambo District

OR Tambo District

The OR Tambo district hosted their annual Extension Advisory Services awards in recognition of the outstanding performance and dedication to their duties. Officials of the district came out in numbers to honour the event with their Head Office Director Ms Nqeno with Dr Silwana from Dohne.

Amathole Extension Awards

Amathole Extension Awards

Amagosa ezolimo kwisithili i-Amathole athe awongwa, ekwanconywa ngenzame zawo ekuziseni iinkonzo namacebo kumafama. Lamagosa athe awongwa kumabakala ohlukeneyo ngokwezakhono zabo ezigqwesileyo yaye lo msitho ubuzinyaswe ngokhokela amagosa ephondweni uNoluvuyo Nqeno.

WEA winners’ celebration in Chris Hani

WEA winners’ celebration in Chris Hani

Isithili saseChris Hani besibhiyozela ukuba sesona sithili siggqwesileyo kumnyadala wakuwonga amanina i-Women Entrepreneur Awards e-Gqeberha kutsha nje. Le mibhiyozo ibizinyaswe nguMphathiswa wesebe uDRDAR uNonceba Kontsiwe nothe wakhuthaza intsebenziswano phakathi kamagosa ezolimo namafama ukulwa indlala ephondweni.

Joe Ggabi

Joe Ggabi

Amagosa ezolimo esithili iJoe Gqabi eqhayisa ngezi ngunyaziso (certificates) athe azifumana ngegalelo labo ekuncediseni uluntu kwezolimo nophuhliso lwamaphandle. La magosa awonge kumsitho obubanjelwe eAliwal North awaziwa ngokuba yi-Extension Awards nalapho amagosa awongwa kula mabakala; Best Extension Practitioner: Professional, Best Extension Practitioner: Certified Natural Scientist, Best Extension Practitioner: Candidate, Best Extension Practitioner: Supervisor neBest Technical Support.