METH launches sanitizer production in Dohne

METH launches sanitizer production in Dohne


METH launches sanitizer production in Dohne

THE Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) in partnership with the Rhodes University’s faculty of pharmacy has intensified its fight against COVID-19 by launching its own hand sanitizer production programme. MEC for DRDAR, Nomakhosazana Meth formally launched the initiative in April 30 at Dohne Agricultural Development Institute of DRDAR. The sanitisers are produced internally by scientists at the agricultural institute after attending a two- day training at Rhodes University. According to Meth, the internal production of sanitizers is a move to ensure the safety of workers in the agricultural sector against COVID-19. Agriculture is listed among those rendering essential services after other sectors were forced to a halt amid the soaring figures of COVID-19 infections. “These will be for the benefit of farms and agricultural value chain facilities within the province,” said Meth Meth has been crisscrossing the province visiting farms specializing with different commodities where she checked compliance of farms in respect of the regulations set to curb the spread of the virus.

“During our visits we noticed that farm owners observe the regulations but some still need to be supported with PPE and sanitizers. The sanitizers we produce will go a long way in making sure that there is business continuity and farmers continue to produce food and make +sure the nation is fed,” she said. During the launch of the sanitizer production programme, Professor Rod Walker for Pharmaceutics at Rhodes University’s faculty of pharmacy said in two days they +had managed to produce 900 litres of sanitizers. The team of five scientific technicians can produce a minimum of 600 litres a day. The sanitizers (80% alcohol) which are compliant to the World Health Organization (WHO) specifications and standards are made from a combination of ethanol (99%), glycerol and hydrogen peroxide. “The production follow very stringent protocols and the process is recorded at all times to ensure traceability and confirmation of quality,” added Walker. While the Dohne Agricultural Development Institute began producing hand sanitisers this week, the Tsolo Agricultural and Rural Development Institute has been producing cloth face masks which are also distributed to farms.





AS women’s month came to a close, the Eastern Cape Provincial Government celebrated women in an event that took place at Alfred Nzo District, Mount Ayliff, on August 22 2019.

The event was a collaborative effort of Provincial Government Departments and civil society to commemorate the 63rd anniversary, where more than 20,000 South African women of all races staged a march to the Union Buildings in protest against the proposed amendments to the Urban Areas Act of 1950, commonly referred to as the “pass laws”.

In his main address, Eastern Cape Premier, Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane, emphasised the need for women representation in all sectors – from Government, Business to Civil Society.

“As we reminisce on the events of August 9 1956, I am moved by the scripture, Luke 13:12, which says ‘ntokazi khululeka ebulwelweni’  –‘when   Jesus   saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity”. These are the words that I believe were spoken to the women of 1956, which saw them take a stand to free women and our people. We may take for  granted that it  was fighting for pass laws but it was more than that…it  was the fight for freedom.”

“We can safely say the footsteps left by these women are clearly seen today, women continue to fight for their emancipation, in their homes, place of work and in society.

We are proud of these women. We want to see more women in leadership position”, added Mabuyane. The Premier spoke at  length            about the need to fight gender based violence and femicide, with men at the forefront. Most significantly, encouraged women to support each other in their endeavours and vowed that the Eastern Cape government would continue to strive towards equality for women and provide them with opportunities to excel in all avenues and contribute to the development of the country.

“Six out of 10   members of the Eastern Cape Cabinet members are women. We are therefore giving women their rightful space  in the fight     for freedom. Mandela once said it falls upon a particular generation to be great and we can be that generation ourselves. As the province, we want to ensure that we provide platforms and opportunities for our generation especially  women to be great in all spheres of life”, affirmed Mabuyane.

He added: “The MEC of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) MEC Nomakhosazana Meth recently held  an event to recognise      and acknowledge women who excel in agriculture. I am proud of this, as agriculture has been a male dominated industry. Such events elevate women and encourage them to be great”.




Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC Nomakhosazana Meth visited Magwa-Majola Tea Estates to see progress on the rescue plan progress and plans for eco-tourism in the area. Following her pronouncement in her policy speech, MEC joined hundreds of tea pickers, factory worker and various stakeholders at Magwa Tea Estate in Lusikisiki.

Subsequent   to  government’s intervention  through the Business Rescue Plan where the Grahamstown Town High Court appointed a business rescue practitioner responsible for the implementation of   the business  rescue plan(BRP),   the department has already injected R20-million for the BRP which saw operations starting afresh after a prolonged break caused by labour unrest. Part of the rescue plan included the merging of Majola Tea Estate to Magwa to form one entity.

Speaking during the main event, MEC Meth said, “I have been here before, at a time where employees were not getting paid. Today, ‘izinto zijikile’, loosely translated ‘the tides  have turned’. The  estate is back in business, employees   are now able to earn a salary. Indeed, a new dawn has come… not only that but the sun has risen and shines on these hills and valleys of the Pondoland”.

“We are, therefore, here to thank you for your perseverance. Furthermore, reassure you that the money owed to you for having worked 11 months without pay, will be payed to you”, added Meth. Ingquza Hill Local Municipality Mayor Bambezakhe Goya said there were those who did not believe in  government’s efforts of trying to rescue the  estate, which has provided job opportunities for hundreds of families in the Lusikisiki area and beyond.

“Government will never allow the shutdown of Magwa or Majola Tea Estates instead we will support them. No establishment employs more people in this local municipality than these two tea estates, we therefore, need to ensure that we keep them running and thus secure the employment of these individuals”. “I have never seen the beauty and serenity like what I have seen going around the Magwa area today. Let us preserve the nature and take care of our province. There are great prospects of development in this region and as government, we commit to its revival and development. I urge   all of us  to embrace the president’s call of “Thuma Mina. We are all called to lend a hand in building our nation, let us go out and do so”, added Goya. Magwa Tea Estate employee King Masangwana said, “I will never forget this day and what government has done for us. Government interventions have elevated and given us tremendous strength to carry-on with what   we do.When we reflect back  on where we come  from,  we remember the pain we suffered along the way. “However,

as a result of the Business Rescue Plan we do not dwell in that pain, we rejoice because indeed the sun has risen and we can see a brighter future for the estate,” concluded Masangwana. Echoing the same sentiments Majola Tea Estate employee Mr          Baleni affirmed        the      new    dawn  that has been brought by    government’s interventions through the Business Rescue Plan. “We are grateful for the help given by government in ensuring that we continue to do what we do. Even though we still face challenges such as lack of adequate machinery, however, we are ecstatic that we still work and produce the tea. Finally a bright star is shining upon Magwa-Majola Tea Estates, thanks to the efforts of the department”, said Baleni

“Our success lies in our unity as workers, management and the administration in these estate”, added Baleni. In concluding her address, MEC Meth said, “Our Premier knows and loves this area.   He loves agriculture and together with his office, we are committed  to the  development of  this sector.Therefore, rest assured things are going to change for this region”.

“My department, Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) is working with  the Department   of Economic Development Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) South African National Roads Agency SOC   Ltd  (SANRAL),    Magwa, Majola and     Lambasi areas  towards the construction of an Eco-Tourism belt that will ensure there is viable economic growth in the Pondoland region. We further want to ensure that we strive towards a ‘green Eastern Cape, and its starts here in this area”, said Meth.

“As I leave you today I want to say that ‘you will cry no more, your tears   have   been   wiped  away’. This  is  the solemn promise we are here to make today”, concluded MEC Meth.



THE Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform in partnership with the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development hosted the 20th edition of the Female Entrepreneur Awards during women’s month in the Joe Gqabi District.

The awards done in partnership with Standard Bank and Old Mutual are held to celebrate the achievements of women in  the  agriculture,   forestry and fisheries sectors. In   her welcoming address on behalf of Joe Gqabi District Mayor, Cllr. Vangiwe Hokwana said, “It is my pleasure and honour to welcome everyone present today, especially women who unselfishly commit their  time and energy to  invest in their respective communities”.

Hokwana further appreciated the  role of ‘iimbokodo’    in the  fight against social ills faced by local communities, starting in their households. She further acknowledged the role of the sponsors in making sure the event is a success.

Representing Standard Bank, Yandisa Ngcaba said: “I am proud to be part of this event and to be associated with this programme; I further challenge women in Agriculture to take time and visit our branches and apply for funding”.

Recognising and paying homage to the support, she received from   DRDAR in uplifting women in farming;    farmer Zoliwe Nombewu, from Mhlontlo Local Municipality within the OR Tambo District, said “Today I am a woman who is able to take care of her family because of farming. I have recently completed fencing 135 hectares of my land through assistance from DRDAR”.

DRDAR has and continues to give dignity back to women like me in rural areas of the Eastern Cape Province. I will soon be jetting off to the Ivory Coast, to learn more about best practices in farming, this is all because of DRDAR”, added Nombewu.

“I want to say to the women here today, let us uplift one another. Let us not be agents of ‘women    on women hate’.We should be there to develop one another”, concluded Nombewu. Nombewu won in the Best Smallholder category during FEA 2018.

Categories awarded on the night included Best Female Worker; Best Subsistence Producer, Top entrepreneurin the    following sectors: Smallholder, Commercial, Processing. As well as best organised district event, best performing district and finally Overall Winner for 2019.

Taking home, a whooping R250 000 00 cash prize and crowned 2019 overall winner is Patricia Betsha from Bafazi Phambili Poultry Project in Sarah Baartman District.

5 year strategic plan

5 year strategic plan

As we prepare for the 5 year strategic plan, today I convened all the senior officials of the department and our entities to listen to what farmers want us to do. Our plan will not rely on desktop sterile information, but be based on the development challenges faced by our people.
We are the net importers of food, when we are blessed with agricultural resources i.e. land, livestock and passionate people. What must we do differently to improve productivity and competitiveness? We should not just list what we wish to happen, we must state what we are all going to do. Let us monitor both government and farmer performance. For both parties, where there is poor performance, there must be consequences. For government officials, discipline must be enacted and for farmers, you might be taken out of the programme. The limited government resources must be spent sparingly and strategically with discipline properly adhered to.
Things must change! And things will change!

Session with ECRDA

Session with ECRDA

Session with ECRDA board and senior management of both DRDAR and ECRDA. We are in a process to revise the 5 year strategy in line with provincial priorities.
Key among issues for revision with regards to ECRDA will be:
– LIVESTOCK commercialization
As announced in the policy speech, in October, we will host Rural Development and Investment Conference.
Kuvuthwa ezanyiswayo. Sikulonto kanye ngoku.