

MANTUSINI DAIRY RESCUED Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Mcebisi Skhwatsha was accompanied by Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) MEC Nomakhosazana Meth during the visit to Mantusini Dairy in Port St Johns. “We have been here from time to time , saw the situation  and we intervened by bringing feed and an  investor. “The DM has also been aware of your situation and he is here to see for himself  and follow up on government’s investment here,” Meth said. The project was initiated in 2005 and government has made investments through the departments of DRDAR, which spent R9 million and Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development spent R34 million. Despite the endeavours by government, the situation became so bad at the dairy resulting in loss of  livestock due to  mismanagement MEC Meth also introduced , the investment company Cream Top to DM Skhwatsha . The company has vowed to turn around the dire situation, Cream Top’s representative Sihle Ntuli promised the community made of 450  beneficiaries: “we are here to turn around this situation.” Local Chief Mthetheleli Nompandla, urged the people to be “united  and work with government in changing your lives.  We are happy and hopeful now that they have brought us investors,”  said Chief Nompandla After a walk about in  the dairy  , DM Skhwatsha expressed his disappointment. ” This is  a  very unfortunate  situation with  government  investing  so much money  and the project collapse ” We are convinced and confident that we will  save this dairy ,” the DM said Responding to allegations of mismanagement of funds, the DM said: “anyone who steals from government drastic actions will be taken. “It is important to ensure government funds are used for the intended purpose, that is to develop the people.”


Skhwatsha’s visit to Nqoko family in Ugie Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Mcebisi Skhwatsha went to the household of the emotionally distressed Nqoko family who were “forcefully removed” from a farm in Ugie. The DM visited the family, now living at the Ekuthuleni Township in Elliot to hear their plight “so that there could be a way forward.” Family member and human rights activists, George Nqoko told a sad story  of her 84-year-old aunt was removed  from the farm  and how this  led her to losing her livestock and leave behind the family graves. “Its painful  when I think about where we come from. The old lady was just told by the new farm owner: ‘get out , Iam not buying people but Iam buying the farm.’ “This was a sad moment for the family hence we approached the Department and we are hopeful that this visit will bear positive fruits. ” We need a farm  because Gogo is battling to pay the lease where she’s keeping  her cattle,” he added. The elder’s grandson Lwandile decried how they “lost school years when grandma was chased out like a dog by the new owner . ” What is more worrisome to me is that I thought I’d pursue agriculture studies as I believe passionately that my office is the farm, where I work land. But now I am forced to follow a different career, which is against my will hence. Our plea is for government to give us a farm” said Lwandile. An emotional touched DM Skhwatsha said: “it is heart breaking that even in democracy, our people are suffering on the farms. We will follow up this matter so that the old lady does not go to the grave with a sore heart. ” We will see the way forward and come back to report to you. You have said you want a farm, we’ve heard that but I can’t commit myself. The answer will come,” he said. The DM’s scheduled meeting with the said farmer was postponed  because the farmer was involved in an accident.


Deputy Minister Skwatsha visits Eastern Cape farms Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Mcebisi Skhwatsha accompanied by Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC Nomakhosazana Meth visited three farms in the Amathole District yesterday The DM is in province engaging in a week-long visit that see him and the MEC visiting farmers that also include Chris Hani and OR Tambo. The visit covered Hopewell , Sunnyside in East London and Woodburn farms in Alice where he met communities, farmers and he listened to their complaints . In two separate meetings held with community from Witney, Goodhope and Woodburn farms and the family owning Woodburn, DM stressed that “all issues raised should be solved harmoniously.” The DM visited the farm following the “escalation of the challenges” through a letter submitted to him by  MEC Meth after she visited the community and the farmers in March. “We don’t want to be here next year and not come with solutions. We will be bringing solutions here. ” What should happen here is  land rights enquiry. We humbly ask you to allow our officials to do that process first so that this matter is solved   solved within no time ,” he said. MEC Meth echoing DM’s commitment in responding  to people’s needs said: “We have come here to listen  to you don’t think that nothing will happen. Don’t despair and don’t look down at this visit, as government will assist you.” The bone of contention is between the Gxothiwe family and the descendants  of farm workers who claim the land occupied by the Gxothiwe’s belong to them but this is being disputed by the Gxothiwe’s.


EASTERN Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane has hailed the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) livestock improvement programme, saying “it is a great initiative aimed at improving the socio-economic status of the Province.” Mabuyane was speaking during the handover of livestock including 65 cattle (Brahaman and Nguni breeds), 10 Dohne Merino sheep and10 Boer Goats to three red meat producers from Matatiele at an event held at the Stanford Farm where he was accompanying DRDAR MEC Nomakhosazana Meth as part of his executive visit to the Alfred Nzo District Municipality. “Agriculture is key in the province’s economic development, hence DRDAR’s initiatives in improving the livestock of farmers should be applauded. “Government is here to support farmers to do more and we will continue to assist farmers that are working the land,” he said. MEC Meth said the department’s programme, where farmers receive from 15 to 20 heifers as well a bull or two, was “aimed at commercialisation of smallholder livestock farmers.” “We are saying to the farmers, let us work together to commercialise and create our own wealth through farming. “By giving these quality livestock we are empowering you,” she said. The MEC added that in last financial year, DRDAR has distributed about 400 heifers and bulls and “we will be doing the same this year.” She said as part of the broader livestock development plan, DRDAR will assist with the provision of water through supplying of 62 boreholes and scooping of about 200 stock water dams. Speaking on behalf of the farmers, John Lekhatlanya the owner of the Stanford Farm who received 20 Brahman heifers and 2 bulls, said: “I am out of words to express how we feel.” “We are  excited, happy and in a jovial mood today as we did not expect this. This shows that our government is working hard to ensure that we prosper as emerging black farmers. “I want to assure both the Premier and the MEC that we will continue to do more and we understand the importance of farming and its contribution to the  economic growth of the province,” Lekhatlanya said.


MEC announces plans to provide water for livestock By Thozi kaManyisana LIVESTOCK farmers in three villages in the Alfred Nzo District can breathe a sigh of relief after the MEC for the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform, Nomakhosazana Meth announced that the Department  allocated R1.6million for the provision of water through boreholes. Speaking to the community of Ngonyameni village in Ntabankulu Local Municipality where one of the boreholes will be drilled, MEC said water was an “essential” part for livestock farmers to thrive. “As government we took a decision to provide water to the livestock farmers in the province . We are encouraging farmers to produce and sell in order to fight poverty. We are here to support that call,” Meth said the 6th administration is committed to provide boreholes, revamping and building new stock water dams. She said in the Alfred Nzo District, where  Premier Lubabalo Mabuyane accompanied by his executive are visiting, the Department will spend R1,6 million to supply boreholes to three areas, including Ngonyameni Village. Through the Department’s Rural Appropriate Technology Unit, Spring water was provided at Goxe and Matyeni villages. The water is sourced from springs, channelled through pipes from the mountains, stored in a reservoir and accessed through taps in the villages. Speaking on behalf of the visibly elated farmers, Mandlakayise Jeke, chairperson of the farmers’ union in the area said: “The community is excited about this development as it brings about change because water is scarce in this area.” “We want to thank government for this commitment. As farmers, we will do more to ensure we produce quality livestock,” Jeke said. Meth also advised rural farmers to “be united and have strong unions in order to apply for quality livestock from the department” on its livestock improvement programme.